Local Seach Optimization Services


(704) 235-1635

Local SEO is about bringing customers through your doors.

Local SEO increases visibility of your business by driving your website to the top of local listings. If you have a local business, you need geographically-relevant traffic to your site through specifically targeted local rankings that will launch your company to reach the target customer demographic in your market.

Our agency offers a local SEO search strategy specifically tailored to your location to ensure the right external location signals are sent as well as inbound links, on-page and social signals, and review signals to Google about the locations most relevant to your business. We use marketing strategies that allow you to build a stronger customer base that allows your business to grow organically.

We put great effort to achieve higher rankings in local search results by regularly checking the traffic source and continuously re-evaluating information for accuracy. We create profiles on popular web and social media platforms, and provide useful information to target audiences.


Increase in online transactions


Revenue increase


Increase in organic traffic


Increase in mobile traffic

Effective Local SEO Solutions

We also ensure that your business appears in local searches not only on desktops, but also on mobile devices and tablets. Our goal is to earn outstanding listings on top of your local traffic competitors.

Online Advantages: Your Charlotte Internet Marketing Resource

SEO and Intelligent Digital Marketing That Gets Real Results!

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably heard it a thousand times: Internet marketing is the way of the future. Maybe you’ve even looked into developing a digital strategy a few times. But the jargon’s confusing, the algorithms aren’t written to make sense to anyone except engineers, and SEO’s all just a bunch of hocus-pocus anyway, right?


These days, more customers find their way to your business because of the Internet and Google than the Yellow Pages or billboard advertising, although display marketing still has its place in this increasingly digital world. Online Advantages’ mission is to make sure your company’s online footprint stands out from the crowd no matter what comes next, with marketing automation and reputation management which covers every facet of your digital presence.

Digital Marketing Resources in Plain English

Business owners often simply don’t have time to manage their online presence or update Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. They’ve got orders to fill, inventory to manage, customers to serve and human resources to deal with just to keep their doors open. Who has time to learn an entirely new skill set, never mind the dozen different skills needed to successfully prosecute a comprehensive SEO campaign? And who wants to spend the money which hiring people with each of the skills you need to compete in the online marketplace would cost to bring them in-house? Online Advantages is your Charlotte NC source for responsive web design and digital marketing strategy to put your business front and center in front of the people who need it most: your customers. Unlike some other branding agencies which bury you under a bunch of impressive-sounding jargon in hopes of gaining your business, we take the time to explain what each step in the process is, how it works, why it matters and what it will mean for your company in plain, straightforward language—and for less than you might expect! We’re not just an advertising agency, although we do plenty of advertising. We’re not just a design agency, although we can design and deploy everything from a simple mobile app to full websites, user experience and online presence overhauls. Online Advantages Charlotte Seo is a complete content marketing solution. We can take a concept to promote your business from scribbling on a napkin or a vague thought on a memo pad and transform it into a winning digital strategy you’ll love. Then we implement that strategy to evolve dynamic, complete online marketing campaigns which resonate with potential customers and helps you generate leads your business requires to grow and thrive.

  • social media marketing
  • industry
  • solution
  • social media
  • budget
  • resource
  • PPC
  • internet marketing
  • customer
  • clients
  • long-tail
  • advertising
  • display advertising
  • digital marketing
  • content marketing
  • eCommerce
  • company
  • machine learning
  • advertising agency
  • charlotte
  • new york
  • Instagram
  • research
  • brand
  • San Antonio
  • Facebook
  • experience
  • Dallas
  • frequently asked questions

When it comes to your online presence, selecting the right SEO expert can make the difference between big profits and an expensive public relations problem.

There are plenty of firms that bill themselves as managed service providers, cloud consultants, and marketing agencies in the Charlotte metro. Most SEO companies in Charlotte are very good at what they do, and they genuinely want to see you and your business succeed. However, not all Charlotte SEOs are so diligent or client-oriented. Sure, they promise SEO results—but when the results don’t materialize, they either offer excuses or stop communicating altogether. Does that sound like the sort of SEO company you want to work with?

Online Advantages Charlotte SEO works hard to provide top SEO Charlotte companies can rely on—and more! Many consultants in Charlotte can do one thing, or even a few things, and do them really well, but we want to give our clients more than just a few great services and a bunch of "okay" or "we don’t do that here."

We keep ourselves informed on the latest news and algorithm changes, especially from Google, so we’re ready to modify and adapt our approach to the latest trends and best practices. Because we’re a Google trusted partner, we can also offer services many video production companies can’t, such as Google 360 virtual tours of your business and SEO-enhanced multimedia which earn you eyes, attention, traffic, and of course money.  

Online Advantages is the only SEO firm in Charlotte you need to know.

Across the street or across the country, from Fort Mill to South Carolina to Miami, Online Advantages has helped developers in Charlotte, software development companies, real estate firms, bingo halls, restaurants, and bleeding-edge tech companies reach to achieve the reach and attention their businesses deserve. To review our featured case study, click here! To learn more about how Online Advantages can help your company grow and keep pace with the latest best practices for SEO, click here or call us at (704) 235-1635 to arrange a free consultation and SEO audit for your business. 

Online Advantages Charlotte Seo
1235 E BlvdUnit E-259
Charlotte, NC 28203
(704) 235-1635
Monday To Friday
9:00am To 5:00pm

Effective Web Development Solutions

Some of the services Online Advantages provides include:

  • Content creation, i.e. websites, Facebook articles, white papers, landing pages, etc.
  • Internet content marketing
  • Mobile app developers
  • Inbound marketing and lead generation
  • Graphic design
  • Pay per click or PPC campaigns
  • User experience consultation and testing to make sure your website looks and performs as well for your clientele as it does for you
  • Reputation management and damage control
  • Google Adwords and Bing Ads management
  • Social media branding and deployment
  • Social media management
  • Video marketing
  • And more!

Online Advantages has already cultivated a robust relationship with businesses from Washington, DC to Los Angeles, including many right here in the greater Charlotte area. We know you have your choice of great Charlotte SEO companies, and we’re committed to being the only digital marketing agency you need for great online marketing that gets you real results, real traffic and real profits!

Online Advantages has already cultivated a robust relationship with businesses from Washington, DC to Los Angeles, including many right here in the greater Charlotte area. We know you have your choice of great Charlotte SEO companies, and we’re committed to being the only digital marketing agency you need for great online marketing that gets you real results, real traffic and real profits!

What IS SEO Anyway? and Other Social Media Marketing Jargon Explained

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, pronounced "Ess-Eee-Oh," is the backbone of all Internet marketing. It determines how and where your company, product or service shows up in major search engines. Google, and to a lesser extent Bing, evaluate websites based on complex algorithms which are designed to deliver the best possible results based on what the user searches for, such as "restaurants near me." The results the search engines deliver are what steer people to your business and away from your competitors.

Some SEO agencies promise overnight results, using tools such as illicit or paid link building to generate rapid gains for your online presence in search results. While they do deliver in the short term, the tactics they use are often gimmicks which search engines are "trained" to look for. We call these "gray hat" or "black hat" tactics, and they can damage your site’s standing with search engines over time, even leading to your company vanishing from their results altogether!

Online Advantages is the SEO company you can trust to get you real results. 

Unlike "SEO specialists" which use shady tactics to show quick results and then offer excuses or disappear on you when their tricks backfire, Online Advantages is committed to using only legitimate, honest white-hat search engine optimization practices. Our SEO campaigns are designed to get your business noticed organically, over time, which means you get all the benefits of enterprise SEO without the risks of having your website flagged or even ignored completely by major search engines. Some of the tools we do this include:

  • Google Tag Manager, which allows us to modify your company’s presence using tags which get attention, so your company stays on the leading edge of search results for local SEO and sets you apart from other companies in Charlotte, NC.
  • Special computer programs which allows us to run a realtime SEO audit and seamlessly compare your page’s performance against the companies in Charlotte which compete for your customers, allowing us to find places where we can help improve your presence and maximize conversion optimization.
  • We’ve all had this happen before: the page says it has the solution you need, but it’s just a bunch of links, buzzwords and gobbledygook. Maybe it’s great for SEO, in the short term, but it doesn’t really help you or your customers, does it? Online Advantages’ content creation staff create hard-hitting, useful, enjoyable content designed to satisfy the stringent requirements of search engine algorithms while being readable and even fun for regular humans, increasing conversion rate optimization and profits. 
  • PPC management, including A/B ad testing, ad spend monitoring, account manager functions, budgeting and expert SEO targeting to make sure your Charlotte, North Carolina target clientele gets the word about your good and services.

Online Advantages Charlotte Seo: We Handle All That Internet Marketing Stuff!

Charlotte SEO Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What does a Charlotte SEO agency do?

Answer: A Charlotte SEO agency is responsible for polishing and managing every facet of your digital presence, and may even go beyond the digital realm into more traditional modes of marketing, such as display, print and broadcast media marketing. At its base, the Charlotte SEO consultant’s job is to help your website, company or brand grow by promoting it across as many channels and outlets as possible and taking proactive steps to get and keep your brand as high as possible in search rankings. This could range from a complete image and online presence overhaul including a new website, logo and total social media rollout to maintenance, multimedia content creation and reputation management.

Question: Why use a Charlotte SEO agency? Can’t we do that in-house?

Answer: You CAN do your own in-house SEO, reputation management and social media engagement, of course. On the surface, it even makes sense, because who knows your business better than you and your staff? The thing to remember is, SEO done badly can actually be worse for your business than no SEO at all. It can hurt your search engine rankings and visibility, damage your reputation with clients and actually cost you more than if you didn’t do anything and just trusted to word of mouth. Think of bringing in Online Advantages the same way you would about hiring skilled contractors to handle a major electrical or plumbing problem in your building.

Question: What is the difference between an SEO company and a Marketing agency?

Answer: An SEO company and a traditional marketing agency largely do the same things, just in different ways and with different focuses. A marketing agency might design a logo for your company, create branding items and catchphrases and get you attention through traditional print and video media. A good SEO company can do all of that and more, because they are focused on digital marketing, which is where the majority of all purchases originate today. While there may be some crossover, an SEO company is probably going to be more oriented toward technology, such as how your website performs for users across platforms or where your company is ranking on Google and Bing rather than whether they can get you a full-page spread in The New York Times. However, the best SEO companies (and marketing agencies!) work across the gamut; while they emphasize tech, they don’t ignore the value of traditional media marketing either.

Question: I’ve hired a Charlotte SEO agency. Now what?

Answer: You and your Charlotte SEO agency or account rep should be sitting down as soon as possible to set performance objectives, milestones and set appropriate expectations. If your SEO agency is promising you a huge increase in your Google visibility overnight, ask them how they plan to accomplish it. If it sounds sketchy, too good to be true or they decline to discuss the exact methods they’re going to employ, this is a warning sign. If, on the other hand, your SEO agency has a well-laid-out plan from day 0 to 180 for what steps they plan to take and can clearly articulate how these steps will lead to more visibility for you, this is a promising sign that they know what they’re doing and have both the skill and experience to deliver for you.

Question: What should my Charlotte SEO agency be doing?

Answer: Your Charlotte SEO agency should always be doing the following things:
  1. Keeping in touch and making sure you stay informed of both good and bad. If your page moved up three places in Google results or your competitor got ahead of you in the rankings, you need to know.
  2. Refining your social media and digital marketing based on best available information and practices. A/B ad testing, experimenting with different search terms and keywords, adding new content and considering ways to get and keep your company ahead of your competitors.
  3. Asking for your input. It’s YOUR company! If your SEO agency doesn’t communicate with you or ask what you want and expect to see happening (and you don’t give them carte blanche), you need to ask them what their reasoning is. If you don’t like the reasons they give you, it’s time to look elsewhere.

Question: How can I find the best Charlotte SEO agency?

Answer: A good SEO company is there to help you and your company succeed, first and foremost. The best SEO agency for your needs will emphasize consistent communication and partnership in your success. They will be able to offer a suite of services which is tailored to your needs and designed to drive your company forward. Most importantly, they will deal honestly with you. They won’t try to hide or sugarcoat anything, and conversely they will only offer you the services which will truly benefit your business.

Question: What kind of access should I give my SEO agency?

Answer: Much of SEO happens behind the scenes, away from the user-facing side of your platform, in the metadata and architecture of your website and your social media presence. At a minimum, your SEO agency should generally have access to administrative or editorial sign-in credentials for your website, blog and relevant social media accounts, so that they can quickly and easily add or remove content and change keywords and design schema if and when needed. However, the level of access will be determined both by the kind of services your company needs and the type of business and website you run. Your SEO agency and you or your cybersecurity manager, if applicable, should be able to work together to help you determine how much access is appropriate for what your agency will be doing.

Question: What should I expect from a Charlotte SEO agency?

Answer: The primary things you should expect from a competent SEO company are:
  1. Consistent, timely communication. If something changes, good or bad, are you being kept in the loop?
  2. Milestones. Your SEO agency should be able to deliver everything they’ve promised in a timely fashion. Likewise, they should refuse to commit to anything which cannot be guaranteed, i.e. "You’ll be the top result on Google for these search terms in a week!"
  3. Measurable results. At your weekly or monthly meeting, your SEO agency should be able to clearly and concisely describe what they’re doing to help your business and back that description up with verifiable data, such as charts, realtime screenshots of your current Google ranking, etc.
  4. Promptness. Are your deliverables arriving as and when promised? Does your SEO agency get content to you for review and out to the public as expected?
  5. Do they make excuses or get results? If it seems your SEO agency is always apologizing for being late on deliverables, missing milestones and so on, it’s entirely possible you may not be with the right SEO provider for your needs.

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